A very personal letter

So this is a letter for me ,more exactly for my body, I saw it in a blog and at first I thought it was stupid…but then,well here I am,you can read or not read. ( sweet soft medieval folk music on the background )


So,hello there body, I know we haven’t had the best relationship, brain here and you haven’t got to get along too well right? I’m sorry about that,it’s just…when I feel sad I tend to focus on bad things, a lot, we know this, and you resent it,I have seen this motivation images that read “Your body listens to everything your mind says” WHOA, poor you,really ,I know I can go on and on for a long while about pure nonsense and hatred and remorse and worrysome stuff, but you know I’ve been working on that, while brain has still a long way to go, I want for all of us to do this journey TOGETHER, I need a clean healthy mind as well as a body,so we gotta get on the train at the same time.

I’m really sorry I never cared for what I ate when I was younger, I’m sorry I tried stupid things just to “fit in”, really,really sorry,cos that made me hate you afterwards,yes I hated those 25 kilos we gained,but it wasn’t your problem only,it was me trying to please others and trying to be someone I am not,nor ever wanna be,so for that I’m sorry, the good thing is we are on the good track,OH WAIT,I must apologize for those crazy ass diets too,I just didn’t like me at all,you know I have problems with that, they’ve got better indeed! But still out there, I am sure that won’t ever happen again cos I discovered the key, is what old people always say : excersice and eat healthy, you know this whole learning to prepare meals and going vegan after being a poorly nurtured vegetarian has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for both of us,mind and body ( yo,soul! didn’t forget about you 😉 )

You may see I’m done overdoing things, I rest properly ( eh maybe not so much on weekends,gonna try harder on that ), I work out to the max but I respect you if you are aching and stop for a while and make sure nothing is damaged, I guess at first you were shocked,these pains,this rude amount of sweat,but hey,we can do so many things now!! Remember when we couldn’t even hold ourselves still at the bar? Now we can do bar-to-toes  at least once  !!! I’m so proud for what we’ve done,don’t you ever listen to those silly girls telling us how flat assed we are or how our legs “got so little” ,you know they are just fat asses,no offense but really, they are overall fat, it’s normal their asses are so big, I rather have a little muffin baking and baking ( that is the ass lol ) which is little but firm and nice than massive old fat there, and for the legs, oh my,don’t mind that shit,they are awesome,see how the femoral muscle shows a little now? It’s cos of those squats and crazy things trainers sets us to do!!! We look amazing and we can do amazing shit,we didn’t even run before,now we can go for some kilometers! Thank you,really thank you for keeping up with me.

Yo teeth, I’m sorry I’ve always disliked your shape, it’s prolly not your fault,but the genes and even so,without you I couldn’t eat and we would die, I missed you so much with this last wisdom tooth extraction… it really hurt,and it was horrible not being able to eat,so I may still not go corn smile around ( but that’s cos I don’t really like smiling…dunno why..hmm maybe cos I don’t feel like it lol ) but I am now brushing you properly,it’s so tiring haha,takes me ages but I’m happy you look healthy and clean now, I hope we will stick together even when I’m old ( who knows how old will I be ) cos I’m making sure you guys don’t get sick and fall ok? Thank you for allowing me to eat the wonderful food world has to offer and the one I cook.

Hair…you know I would like you to be straight,japanese straight, but that can’t be unless I iron you,which I try not to do a lot cos I suspect it damages you ( sorry,but you look so cute!! ) but hey,now I’m not giving you poo in the form of shampoo,I’m washing you with a more natural,cheaper,less intrusive mix, also I stopped dying you,for now,hehe I wanna see how long you can get. Thank you for not falling off and leaving me bald,don’t you ever ok? :*


I think this is it, I shall keep on taking good care of you,eating my nice meals,working out,trying to relax massively and not putting you under much unwanted and unneeded stress,you please keep up with me and we will be fine!! also don’t mind me when I get desperate about the tummy, I know it takes a long while and I’m aware it may never be like super super flat, I just want us to be a better version of ourselves, I’m sure you like that too,cos you’ve gotten stronger eh? So gambare!!!

Love you,really,so be goodie and I will be too.

PS I still don’t know why the pictures come out so bad, I know we have a kinda cute face,just the angles…but don’t worry ,the mirror is better for this.







  1. I really admire you…

    • Awwww, thanks lil friend, hope it helps you as well ❤

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