Taking off the load

As the title says, it’s time for me to drop yet another load off my back, eh I wonder how many times I’ve done it? Each time I do feel much better tho, so will keep on doing it when needed.

I have to take responsibility and own my actions and their consequences and do it chill but also allowing any emotion to arise.


Wow, this movie, it’s like, seriously, what the… It was tagged as comedy and drama. Well drama it has, comedy… I couldn’t find a single funny thing. It is a magnificent portrayal of a woman spiraling downward into a deep abyss of madness and revenge.  With a dressing of irrational jealousy and toxic attachment and dependency.

acrimonyheader (1)

It really goes to show what happens when you mix someone who might be a bit unstable in the head with attachment, a dubious man and obsession.


I don’t want to spoil it, since it was that good for me, but I think the ending, right the final scene, goes to show that negative feelings can chain us and weigh us down.

Someone give awards to the actors and actresses, specially Melinda woman.

PS That wasn’t love, love isn’t that shit.


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