Hanebado / Anime + Manga


I had been unsure about watching this anime, badminton? so exciting…also who I thought was the MC was a sporty, tall, short-haired tomboy, totally not my line of anime MC..BUT THEN, Ayano Hanesaki-san appeared!!! she’s a naturally gifted, super gifted badminton player who for some reason doesn’t want to join the school’s club. We have the hard working player, Nagisa ( short haired tomboy), Riko with glasses, she’s awesome cos she isn’t so fit but she’s clever and can work out strategies pretty good. We have Hanesaki’s old rivals, like Karaouko (? spelling) and Connie…the mysterious blond foreigner from Denkmark!

The anime is SO DRAMATIC, I like it, but it was like, whoa people, this is such a soap opera.

Me being me, I moved onto looking for the manga, since I read that they changed things a lot. Was this true?

SPOILER AHEAD, or not, depending on how they keep the anime, but better don’t read this unless you read the manga or read if you don’t care.


Hanesaki is a fucking beast, she goes into what I call “badminton can’t lose or I’ll lose my mom again” mode, her eyes literally go entirely dark and she’s just, it’s like a demon playing, seriously. She is all cheerful, ( this is the manga, in the anime she’s fucking emo lol ) but when she is for real oh boy…

They don’t, or haven’t shown how good she is on the anime!! why?? She’s climbing up,NO, she’s wall-running a fucking tree on the very first pages of the manga,  RUNNING UP A TREE,to get something stuck there, in the anime she has only once stopped a ball, which was SWEET but still, in the manga she’s a total maniac.

At least now in anime she seems to have changed..well she got pretty fucking weird and got those eyes…we’ll have to wait and see. Loving the anime so far, the anime is beautiful, wish it was closer to the original, but that would take longer I guess.

Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight /Anime-manga

This series…what is this?

It’s like a mix of Utena + Yurikuma Arashi with magical girls.

No,really look:


I usually wouldn’t had watched it since it’s about acting (apparently) but since it was being blogged on my favorite Yuri site, you know Yuri Nation , I decided to give it a try, since I loved Harukana receive! I thought it’d be worth to check it out, plus they have manga prequel thing on Dynasty so…

It is about acting, well an acting school, which includes singing and dancing, but that’s not the most important, most important is baKaren (LOL best name ever), you know, her name is Karen but since she is an idiot well..baka+Karen..do I really need to explain this?  she made a childhood promise (come on now) with Hikari and after the latter left for England to study at a drama school, she comes back to Japan and they are in the same class, they all are preparing a play and she wants to fulfill this promise and be on stage with her beloved “friend”.

All normal till then, BUT, there is a talking giraffe and some weird ass auditions ( here is where the Utena/ Yurikuma arashi comes to mind)  very special with some sort of fighting/dancing/singing… yes, there is such a thing.

So far we don’t know what the hell is that about, I thought it was like a dream…I am not sure anymore…but hey, shit can’t get weirder than a storm of lesbian bears. Right?

So, there are “couples” you have the supa stars, a French girl, a very illustrious taller girl, diligent class representative and others. It looks good, I’ll definitely keep watching it.

Harukana Receive! /anime

I literally started watching this anime today, I’ll finish the current aired episodes and move to the manga, but let me tell you about this one first.

It was tagged as ecchi, that’s usually a “meh I’ll pass” automatic for me, however, Keijo!!!! was also ecchi and it was funny to the point of crying from laughter so… I gave it a chance, it’s about beach volley ball, this new girl in town is living with her cousin, who used to play with Narumi who is now paired with Tachibana. There’s 2 blondes I think too. Foreigners of course, those gaijin fufufu.

Ah right, an important point is Kanata(?)-chan the one who used to play with Narumi (the very good one,serious) is quite short, like me u.u  and her cousin is quite tall, so you can guess the pairing works very well.

It is more cute and light hearted than expected, I used to play some classic volley ball so that was a plus, they talk about the pairings as actual couples, it really gives that yuri vibe, that is of course absolutely fantastic!!

I’m yet to see what else it offers but so far it’s awesome, all I like in sports anime.


I’ll check out the badminton once and the one about acting too. Ah it’s so good to be alive lol

Happy sugar Life Anime/Manga

I know the anime just premiered it’s first episode, a wonderful, magical, fantastic first episode.

Look, if you have read the manga, you know what to expect, if not…happy sugar life is anything but that, no happy no sugar lol, in short words it’s this high school girl (Sato) /her name means sugar I think and that’s the whole wordplay in the title/  who falls in love with this… I really don’t know her age ,no one does, but Shio-chan the younger girl, she’s really young ok, like she doesn’t know why rubber ducks float young…so people have tagged this as lolicon, I beg to disagree, Sato is so empty and only knows twisted misconceptions of love that grown-ups have around her, she wants to fill this void in her heart and she does so with this little girl, cos she’s ,for her, the holy grail of innocence and purity, her perfect sugar, sweet feeling. Her aunt specially..man is that one fucked up..you’ll see.

I loved the anime because the seiyuus are on point, the change in Sato’s voice when she, well, she goes Yandere (with much less murder than say, Gasai Yuno), the effect on her eyes and this noise/visual when she perceives her feelings as bitter, it’s really clear, specially if you have read the manga. Also, not a spoiler, there is murder yes, we all see that on the first chapter/episode, we just don’t know who she killed! (well I do, but I won’t spoil it for ya) but the main subject here is love, twisted ideas of love, tainted love (like the song) mostly coming from grown-ups aka people who give in their dark and sometimes unhealthy desires. ( There is an actual lolicon ,you’ll see soon)

So all in all, this is not for everyone, it is something I like, it makes me think and stuff, but if you don’t like a somehow dark, disturbing, sick title, there is this :

Also watching it, fucking hilarious.


Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS

Fangirl mode on:



Yes, this time (s)LRIG are quite important! And we get to see Ruuko back, and the other ones whose name I forgot, but we know them all from previous seasons, this is truly coming together in a big massive event, I seriously got all doki doki when Pirulul (Whatever her name is omg, I am so bad with names sometimes) finds Ruuko, I really want this to be the best season ever!

Suzuko! Chi-chan! The weird girl who wrote about wixoss! Ruuko! Carnival mofo! Everyone!


Mahou Shoujo Site (Anime)

I am uncertain about if I did review the manga or not…. I am pretty sure I did at some point…anyway the anime adaptation is here, if you have read the source you know it’s a dark, oppressive, depressing, helpless atmosphere, with bullying, physical and psychological abuse, attempted rape, self-harm and mental illness left and right!  It really isn’t for everyone.

Charmed yet? Well, I highly encourage you to watch if you liked stuff like hmm let’s say Jigoku Shoujo, (oh the wortst is the protagonist’s brother I think) and even that doesn’t get as bad as this one, I promise, it’s different of course, but in comparison the bullying and abuse in JS is like a stroll in the park compared to this title!

You should really check it out, it looks very good, it’s only the first episode out and I’m already sulking on my chair lol.



If you like feel-good stuff, this is NOT for you, at all, like don’t even think about it, if you embrace the dark side as well as the bright one like me though… please go ahead. Ah right, it does have some sort of yuri, I recall but amidst the total despair it really doesn’t do much for me.

PS I read comments on the episode and some people think the bullying is “too over the top”, like bitch please, have you ever heard of the “concrete girl” or read “vengeance classroom”? THAT is serious bullying, this is, well even light in comparison, I know outside Japanese culture this stuff might seem almost impossible to happen but if you do proper research you’ll find it possible indeed.

Seikon no qwaser Anime / Manga

Yes, I’m aware this has been out for like a good while now, but I always thought it was only silly ecchi not worth my time. I decided to check out both the manga and the anime for several reasons… ok I remembered there was a lolicon lesbian in there somewhere.. I had to see wtf was that about ok? lol, ah sure, spoilers ahead!!! 

First the boring, the manga

Ok, as it usually goes with ecchi stuff, the manga aka source material is far less fanservicey ( looking at you Rosario + Vampire), I didn’t read the whole thing, I sorta flipped through it, there’s Katja (dat Russian sadist loli) and Hana of course ( the pedo lesbian masochist rofl ) but it’s much less hmm,what word to use… in your face we could say, so the story is meh ok, souma, holy stuff coming outta girl’s breasts, blah blah elements blah blah religion

Now the fun part, the anime

Well , I had read it was heavily censored with all the breast sucking scenes but… the powers lie within the souma thing, which is like breast milk, holy something, what sense could it possibly make to have an anime where the part of said holy milk sucking is censored? Very little I tell you.

Anyway, we get some pantsu shots, lots of breasts, breast sucking, breast groping, you get the idea and of course we have the lesbian lolicon, oh boy that.. scene on episode 4, she literally licks on  Ekaterina eh Katja’s tender place.. it makes me eew thinking she’s like 10 years old and Hana is.. how old is she? 16? Ah she’s 15, ok it’s not that bad…ok it is but Katja looks like 12… would that actually qualify as pedo time?  *wonders* Anyway, the Russian loli is creepy enough to make the whole thing not so disgusting.. I am totally not sure if that’s good or bad…Plus it’s really more like a BDSM thing between them…Hana is the slave, hmm confusing ethics ftw


I don’t want problems so this is the only postable pic I found lol

So, I am sorta fast forwarding through the anime, it does have funny moments, I’ll give you that, but honestly I only like big epic battles, when there’s Katja + Hana moments and when other psycho, mentally unstable people come in, I said other cos pretty much everyone here is a damn sadist or a sick masochist so..yeah sorta appealing ha ha. No, really.

Now, besides that weird ass relationship, I did like the whole alchemy, religious themed story, it’s not the greatest thing ever made but it’s fun enough, cringe-inducing tho, cos some people are really.. .Eva-Q and Eva-R…  *shivers* and then there’s that girl with the dissociative personality disorder , you get what I mean.

Watch/read, or don’t, your call!


Tomie ( manga/ Unlimited )

Ah, behold the masterpiece of Junji Ito-sensei: Tomie! Which is pronounced Tomi-e Not “Tommy” as I thought, lol.  Ok some may say Uzumaki is his masterpiece, but I happen to love the idea of this annoying, selfish, maniac, woman who just won’t freaking die, more so, she will come back and expand and multiply.

So I was watching episode 9 of the Junji Ito collection anime and I saw this so beautiful girl with a mole under her left eye… who could that be I wondered…? TOMI-E of course!!! They surely waited an awful long time to animate a Tomie chapter, I guess that’s normal since she has a lot. of material. It was a very nice one and it made me want to read the manga, so I read all the chapters I could find translated , then I remembered there were movies…9, so yes I’ll have to watch those as well.

The plot is Tomie is INCREDIBLE beautiful and men go mad for her, literally insane and wish to murder her, which is not a problem cos she can heal, regenerate and multiply just fine, this of course makes for quite interesting stories.

I started with the last movie it seems, it’s called Tomie Unlimited, sounds like a cool brand name..haha, I gotta say she’s my favorite actress so far, cos she’s very similar to the animated Tomie from today’s episode in Juni Itto collection, take a look!



Animated Tomie



See that??? Isn’t she nailing the character? Omg and the voice and the acting, I read some comments saying the movie was stupid but..come on, it’s a damn load of body horror, quite hard to achieve without some heavy CGI, plus the animated hmm “stages” of Tomie are faithful to the illustrations in the manga, so shush people! and I usually don’t say this about women, not specially Asian women, but this one actress, Miu Nakamura, at least in this one movie, is one of the hottest girls I’ve laid eyes on . Damn sexy, a bit scary tho, ah dreamy!!



I’ll watch the other movies later on and add reviews, for now, don’t miss this one movie, I obviously loved it.


Each movie has a different actress playing Tomie, which makes it for a very variated pallete of faces and strokes for the character.

Another interesting fact, in the manga Tomie is pretty much straight, but the movie version seems to swing both ways and is even nicer with her female “friends” slaves, lovers, or whatever they are.


Tachibanakan Triangle or Tachibanakan love to lie angle ( manga )

What is with that title? Seriously, choose one people!!


I honestly forgot about this one cos when I was reading it it was my “read all the yuri manga” week, so I legit, finished every title that was existing on Dynasty Scans . I think this one  had only few chapters out and maybe I dropped it cos of that, a short haired protagonist and the fact it was pointless ecchi/harem.

But now, older and wiser, I don’t mind short haired girls, although still not my favorite, but this has all that cliché harem titles can ask for, an indecisive MC, an old childhood friend , more on the pure side and a sexy temptation, or as the childhood friend would put it “erotic girl” and background loud older women.

It’s silly yes, but somehow it’s heartwarming, specially the backstory of Yoriko-oneechan and Yuu ( I’m so shipping those 2 morons) and well, childhood friend is cute and it seems MC might be leading towards her, although erotic girl is quite straightforward.

I am not sure who am I rooting for at this point, I usually focus on back characters in harem cos they might get some sort of closure-like, MC usually ends in “let’s all live together like this whole time” ugh. But the anime might be funny and well, yuri ecchi…yuri harem…we’ve come a long way, back in my day I had to feel the doki doki with Mariasama for crying out loud! Lately we’ve had Sakura trick! Strawberry panic!, CITRUS good lord! Actual legit yuri is making it’s way. So happy. Sniff.

So, check out the manga if you will and be sure to check out the anime.  🙂



Next anime season picks to follow!

I have some titles that I’ll be checking out, of course if they displease me I’ll drop them like it’s hot, but you know that right?


Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro :

This is the story of a girl who can’t make it to school due to several situations, the premise is,well, different, it will be something I either hate or love I’m sure. I can’t find a decent image, but..I saw YURI tags on some chapters in the manga, I’m surprised… -suddenly interested-


Tachibana-kan to Lie Angle:



Ecchi yuri, a childhood friend and a new interest with a dense oblivious female protagonist. I hope the episodes are longer than 7 minutes!!



Mahou Shoujo Site : 

Asagiri Aya, a girl bullied at school and at home. One day, an eerie website, Mahou Shoujo Site, flashes on her computer screen and welcomes her to the Mahou Shoujo World. ( source Baka-Updates)

I’ve been reading the manga for this one for a while, it’s pretty damn dark and heavy.. I wonder if they will tone it down much and make it “softer” or will they stay true to it and keep it..well…as terribly awesome as it is.



The best for last…


Lostorage conflated WIXOSS

You must know I love all the Wixoss series, you see it’s not all yuri I watch, it is mostly yes, but this has no..does it? Hmm.. well the thing is, I’m sure it’ll be amazing and I’m so happy!




So that is it, of course will continue with the others, slow start, CITRUS, ramen crazy girl Kazumi san, Dragon Ball Super, Ito Junji collection, Hitori no shita, etc.



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