Love, Live! First impression

Seriously,another title I would of never considered to watch on my own,but thanks to some doujinshi ( look for Cocoa break + Sweet Pea author ) I ended up loving the Maki x Nico pairing, even tho I had never seen the anime…and now..well I’m on episode 2 but it’s already entertaining,made me chuckle 4 times and I’m getting interested.

I’m aware there’s no blatant yuri to be seen ( I’ve read season 2 has more of it ? ) but that the subtext it’s definitely there so… I’ll inform on it all when I finish the 2 seasons and the specials.  So,that’s gonna be like 2 days haha.

… is it my idea or Maki is a bit of..a bit of..a tsundere? Kyaaaaah.



Fly for fun

It’s been ages since I did a game review!! so let me tell you about this one :

It’s tiresome at first,cos you are silly with silly equipment and little money, but I started to play again,made a new character, I believe my 4th lol, and this time I nailed it! The thing is the currency,penya,the prices can be crazy ass maniac, I was lucky I had some money from my other char,and there are several events going on,that’s what I like the best about the game, there’s events and you do get special stuff that can either help you or you can sell for good money.

You start as a vagrant with a wooden sword,haha, you kill small monsters ( called masquerpets ) and there’s quests, I try to do them all cos it’s fair good experience and some good ( or at least useful at the moment ) items, also some cash never hurts,specially when I see some weapons sell for billions,YES BILLIONS,I got about 1.5 billion haha and I’m not rich by far.

Ok anyway, you can choose your job at level 15 (?) either a mercenary ( the typical melee fighter ) ,a magician ( duh ) ,acrobat ( the ranged fighter ) or an assist ( the buff-me-up kind ), then at level 60 you can choose another job weee!! It is really exciting ,you can go like this :

Mercenary :  Knight (big ass hp awesome tank  / Blade ( wields dual weapons,kills fast,very fast )

Magician : Psykeeper / Elementor  ( no idea on these ones -_- )

Acrobat : Ranger ( bow and arrows )  / Jester ( yoyo fighting )

Assist : Billposter ( fights more than the rm )   /  Ringmaster(  I know the rm gives you awesome buffs..)

At level 130 you can go even further!! ( oh you also go Hero’s complicated to explain,but let’s say you won’t hit cap level too soon,which makes the game more fun ) but I won’t cover that cos I don’t know anything about it -_-

So there’s quests,scrolls,it is super useful to invest some money on the premium items shop,I spent like 20 dollars ( it was my birthday so !! ) and I got me 8 levels in a day ( that’s a lot,specially if you usually play solo like me ) buff pets, who also pick up stuff ( useful ! )

It is lots of fun,it’s not omg WoW graphics or DDO but it works well, personally I’m loving my blade. Come try,and if you choose the server Tanuki, give ReginaHolz a greeting, I can help ya out some .


2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 15,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

No game no life

I finally decided to watch this one … why didn’t I before?? It’s about NEETS,who are gamers and at least in Japan,hikkikomori…also, you have all the logic and super smart genius minds and agdgfssghss

I loved it, I can’t wait for season 2. The whole bro-sis complex thing was a bit unpleasant now and then but, after seeing how weird and how misunderstood those two are..well it was ok.

Elves? checked

Fantasy world where everything is a game? checked

People with wild animals traits? checked

Random data on science,geography and the like? checked

2 girls who could be just as well more than friends? cheeeecked

Now go enjoy it, I won’t even spoil it cos you muuuuust watch it,it’s quite funny and damn interesting.

Ahh poor Stephanie Dola..hahaha she’s hilarious.


Now go enjoy it

229th G-View: Selector Spread WIXOSS

I’ve never reblogged ANYTHING,but this review just nailed it, and I was excited about letting people know about this show cos it’s so so so so awesome… and well,since you are on it, check this guy’s blog it’s really,really good, I’ve found many jewels thanks to him.

Also if you are new to yuri or wanna know more about anime titles and manga,well this is your best choice,go ahead and check it out.

The Yuri Empire

Warning! The comments section of this review will contain SPOILERS. It is recommended to skip past posted comments unless the reader has also watched both seasons. This is Selector Spread WIXOSS.

Here’s the season 1 review:

212th G-View: Selector Infected WIXOSS

Selector Spread WIXOSS Cover

View original post 648 more words

Merry Christmas ?

Este año no odiaré la navidad, de hecho estoy intentando celebrarla de una manera entre amena y neutral, ya veré como sale.  ¿Por qué? Después de toda una vida de que me cagaba y recagaba y me volvía a cagar… Les diré porque.

Resulta que de niña si me gustaba la Navidad…porque me daban doble regalo ( una de mis fechas de cumpleaños es el 25, la oficial, the real one es el 22, eh larga historia, estúpido sistema burocrático ) pero fuí creciendo y la gente se concentraba más en la Navidad y menos en mi cumpleaños que a veces pasaba totalmente desapercibido ( menos por mi madre, eso si sería muy triste ) entonces me fue gustando menos, eso y los villancicos , ( esos siguen sin gustarme,no hay modo,no los que repiten hasta el hartazgo en las tiendas y en la radio al menos, unos BIEN cantados tal vez ) y las canciones de Daniela Romo y Pandora, ¡Por favor hagan unas nuevas, covers, lo que sea!

Total, luego me hice vegetariana a los 18… menos me gustaba, ( me sigue castrando que maten muchos más animales en la época y que talen tantos arbolitos pero bueno…) porque no podía comer mucho ( yo no sabía cocinar ni nada ) y así pasaron los años… a veces uno se acostumbra a odiar algo o que le disguste mucho y hasta olvida el porqué, yo no, pero quería comentar eso.

Ahora, a mis casi 32…wow tantos años -shock- conocí a alguien que me motiva a que me gusten cosas nuevas o que intente des-odiar cosas…en vez de darme a conocer más cosas que me disgusten, creo que ese es un cambio sin precedente y excelente, digo no voy a ser el espíritu de la navidad y usar un gorro pero puedo decir que estoy excited, nunca había hecho un esfuerzo consciente por disfrutar esta festividad,no desde que tengo 18. ( gracias Val )

Para empezar hice una lista de las cosas que SI me gustan desde antes de la navidad :

1.- Los monos de nieve.

2.- Los pingüinos y osos polares,que ni viven juntos pero ok.

3.-  Esta canción sobre navidad de Caprice,un grupo ruso.

4.- Desde hace 2 años, la cena, porque ya comemos todas lo mismo en casa .

5.- Los episodios especiales de navidad de las series

6.- El aguinaldo haha, en serio.

Así que…bueno,con esto dicho espero que quienes me lean pasen unas fiestas agradables, sea navidad o Hannukah o Kwanza o lo que les guste, y que pasen tiempo de calidad con la familai y todo eso. A mi lo que me molestaba mucho es que la gente se pone muy buena onda en navidad, y todo el año son ogeis o no te pelan, digo, si uno va a ser buena onda debería ser siempre, en fin, sólo porque estoy muy de buenas les deseo a todxs que la pasen super duper, que les den regalos lindos que les gusten, que coman rico ( aguas con la engordada xD ) y si van de viaje que sea una experiencia agradable.

Felices fiestas, no olvidemos que también se celebra el solsticio de invierno ( Yule )


A beautiful mind, that can recall many many names

That’s not my case, since you know i’m a big anime fan, well , I’m kinda picky now that I think about it… anyway, how can people remember every single freaking name?

I can remember most of the names,sometimes even full names,on the current animes that I’m watching, but after that’s done, my mind is left blank, some names come from ages ago so that’s a closed deal ( Ikari Shinji, Soryu Langley Asuka, Usagi Tsukino, Saotome Ranma, Tendo Akane – Nabiki – Kasumi, ,etc ) but watching some people go through names, and last names like it’s nothing really amazes me.

So to amuse myself I decided to make a list of names that I remember to the date.

Kuroki Tomoko ( Watamote protagonist, the brother is Tomoki duh, so pretty easy )

Enma ai ( Jigoku Shoujo, maybe cos it has 3 freaking seasons )

Tohsaka Rin ( I like magicians, and a tsundere one is best Fate/stay night)

Illyasviel von Einzenbert ( Yisus,how can one not remember this kind of name, Fate/stay night )

Stella Harvenheit ( same as above, Chrono Crusade )

Excel ( from Excel Saga.. pretty easy eh )

Gasai Yuno ( THE yandere girl, Mirai Nikki ) )

Banba Mahiru/Shinya ( Akuma no Riddle, split personality, kinda outstanding )

Izumi and Ryouma ( Love Stage my first real yaoi anime and prolly the last )

Kotono Mitsuishi ( a very freaking awesome seiyuu )

Hayashibara Megumi ( gave voice to many, many dear characters )

Misaki Mei ( Another )

Izumi Konata ( my favourite otaku girl )

I don’t even try and dare to do this with korean people, those names are still too strange to me, too short >.<

… that was it… I’m sure there are about 5 others I can remember, some i do but i dislike them,so they are off the list, like freaking Emiya Shirou puahj! ( Fate/Stay )

Love Stage! My first yaoi anime title

So it has finally happened, I willingly watched a yaoi anime… ok the only reason I did it it’s cause my girlfriend said it was good and funny and she was sure I’d like it… guess what? She was right.. I did laugh my ass off, I cared not for the “sexy” scenes, I am not your classical man-hater lesbian, I just don’t like boys,yes some men have pretty faces,and that’s cool,but that’s it. I guess that’s why I never even considered this genre.. I mean of course being the super curious person that I am, I have read about 3 yaoi mangas, one was shotacon yaoi… watched the OVA too, but it was basically a cross-dressing kiddo and some random guy sexing him up,so that was kinda gross to be honest…well pretty gross.


These guys tho… Ryouma ( the famous one, with purple hair ) was on a tv commercial with a girl when he was I don’t know, young, and this girl  ( Izumi ) turned out to be…yeah, a boy, but this didn’t change his feelings, said boy comes from a respectable supa line of talented people ( Sena family ), his mom is an actress,his dad is a singer and his older brother Shouga, is the vocalist from a band. He wants to be a mangaka tho, his drawing IS AMAZINGLY HORRIBLE ,and that’s the premise.

It did make me laugh, the characters are likeable, I insist, the sexy scenes did nothing for me,was close to watching het ( as in heterosexual ) scenes, nothing for me,but they weren’t too graphic ,I felt comfy cos the guy is an otaku and well, there’s no rape or stuff like that ( haven’t read the manga,not gonna,but  I hope it’s as light hearted as the anime is ) so if you have never ever watched yaoi and you wanna skip on the soooper draaaama , pick this one.

Also I wish I could watch more yuri like that, less drama and more funny moments and love, not freaking curses, or being doomed to be separated every single damn time ( you Kannazuki no Miko, you ) ,without rape ( you Kannazuki ¬¬ ) , without heavy angst, love octagons, forced marriages, transferring schools never to talk again and well, you can see my point. We want more happy yuri, not super happy easy no problem,but COME ONE PEOPLE. Specially not dying just when you have confessed your feelings and you know the other person loves you back and you wanna be happy together!!!!


This anime…oh boy, I LOVE IT,have you watched “Equilibrium” with Christian Bale?  Well, if you have, and you liked it, you are gonna enjoy this one, if you haven’t you should.

This Psycho-pass is sort of like a “card” a virtual one, which shows your tendency to become a criminal, it has numbers and colours and shades, there are scanners on the streets and all. Of course the law exists but it’s something like this : the inspectors work along with the enforcers who are.. yes, latent criminals, kinda forced to work as hunt dogs… there’s no real weapons,well not old-school, just these Dominators, they scan you, and depending on your Criminal Coeficient , they go into paralyze mode, or lethal termination or well,you get the idea. So you are kinda screwed if by some means your CC is low even tho you are a maniac.

This is a society where everything is freaking handed over, you have a device to select your clothes, the food,with how many calories, how do you want your room to look,which career is best for you,it’s all settled, so there should be little to no stress..right? No, cause some people think this is not a real human way of living ( I must say I agree )

How on earth does one decide who is a criminal, how many points does she/he score and how to deal with them? Sybil System of course… yes, a totally automated super awesome program.

The characters are awesome,the story is super interesting, and there’s even a lesbian ( yes, that gives series a + in my book ) so please do watch it .

first season castpsycho-pass-review-3

second season cast Psycho-Pass 2

Look out specially for Tsunemori Akane and Kougami Shinya, you want character development ? You got it!!!

Less Facebook = More of everything else

Yeah, I did watch anime,read manga, watch my tv show’s newest episodes and what not, while I was a heavy Facebook user, but I gotta tell ya,since I decided to partially ditch it,and reserve it only as a mean to organize certain events, I’ve noticed changes right away,such as :

1.- I’m less stressed, about what others do,don’t do,stop doing,start doing,bad news all around all the time,new trends,old trends. I just mind my own damn business.

2.- I enjoy more my shows and readings without having this weird anxiety to reply as fast as possible to publications or to further comment on something. I can still do that of course, but it’s not of most importance.

3.- I have felt more like writing on my blog, giving new titles a try, and of course, I must admit I feel a lot less judged, yes, I don’t quarrel with people as often, I merely read other people’s blogs, I comment here and then,but I don’t waste my time on nonsense bickering, online bickering that is.

4.- I have the feel it’s gonna improve my personal relationships cause it kinda forces me,and the others, to actually arrange a meeting, a face to face one, not just spending some time commenting back and forth.

5.- I’m enjoying it very much,and it’s been one freaking day, hehe.


Notice my Scar-cup. thanks. Un-related